Monday, April 19, 2010

How far the validation of phone number field in a form is important?

When I was testing a product for some organization, I found that the phone number field was not validated properly as it was accepting more than 100 numbers and even accepting special symbols and alphabets as soon as I found that I raised a bug, but I heard a strange response from the developers that this was there from the days of release and they made it as suggestion bug and closed

So now what my question is how important validating a phone number field in a form?

Waiting for your valuable comments


Santhosh Tuppad said...

Did you only involve steps to reproduce in your bug report or you showed them the impact of not fixing it :)

Santhosh Shivanand Tuppad

Saipavan Gubba said...


Hmm i reported on steps to reproduce in the bug report but vorally i explained them the impact of the bug

Saipavan Gubba

Santhosh Tuppad said...

Wrong. Where is it written? Tomorrow developer might come and say,

"You did not tell me the impact".

Where is the evidence?

So including in bug report might have impacted if other management people looked into your bug report :)

Santhosh Shivanand Tuppad