Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Severity of the BUG

I have seen most of the testers around me spends time in thinking the severity of the bug while reporting it in that case I will say “thinking is such a waste of time” because there is nothing like high severity bug and low severity bug the severity of the bug mainly depends on how good you pointed out the consequences that might occur because of it.
So pointing out the consequences is as important as finding the bugs, In that cases every bug will be SEVERITY 1 (Must fix).

Credits: Actually while writing this post I saw an advertisement of Hero Honda bike with caption “Thinking is such a waste of time” and I used it
Thanks to Hero Honda.


Santhosh Tuppad said...

Yes. I agree with your point. Sometimes productivity just goes off while thinking of what severity to choose from the list hehe *smiles*. That time would have been invested for better bug reports :)

Santhosh Shivanand Tuppad

Saipavan Gubba said...


Thanks dude


Santhosh Tuppad said...

Stop using my trademark of *smiles*.

Santhosh Shivanand Tuppad